On November 17, the WCPSS Board of Education voted for students to return to in-person instruction in the second semester. Their November 17 update includes information on the return to in-person learning, exams, and face mask requirements for student athletes. (Photo courtesy of Marie Cox)
Leesville Road High School released its bell schedule for Spring 2021 last week. It includes multiple changes from the current schedule for both Plan B students and Virtual Academy students. On November 17, WCPSS announced that high school students would return in-person for the spring semester.
“The WCPSS Board of Education voted for students to return to in-person instruction in the second semester,” read the WCPSS update. Students are set to return on three-week rotations, but second semester plans could change due to new or additional Executive Orders from the Governor or new data from health officials.
“I seriously doubted whether I’d actually go back or be at home for the rest of the year,” wrote Allison Dood, Leesville senior, via text. “I just hope the decision doesn’t get changed, because now I’m excited,” she added.
Since students are returning back to in-person class, Leesville altered the bell schedule for second semester.
A comparison of the schedules is below, and you can find the Spring 2021 schedule here.
The new schedule resembles the old 2019-2020 bell schedule, with the return of the much-loved AB lunch. However, unlike lunch last year, lunch this year is only 25 minutes with a 10 minute class change.
“I don’t understand why we have shorter AB lunch,” wrote Mary Price, Leesville senior, via text. “I thought the point of AB lunch was to reduce fights, but if only a third of us are in school it shouldn’t matter as much.”
At the same time, Price recognizes that the shorter time makes sense because students can’t go off campus for lunch anymore.
Instead of having 70 minute classes, students will go back to 90 minute classes. “I think having 90 minutes classes again will make school feel more like it used to,” wrote Dood.
While she’s enjoyed the shorter periods, she believes that the change will help her feel like the school year is more normal.
Preparation for the return of students to the classroom is far from over, though — the schedule is just one step in the right direction. Leesville won’t complete hand-scheduling Spring semester schedules until January. It’s still unclear how classes will function on a three-week schedule, and how teachers will handle classes with a mix of Virtual Academy and Plan B students.
The best places to look at to keep up with the preparation for the return to in-person learning are Mr. Solomon’s weekly messages and WCPSS COVID-19 Updates page.
Hi! My name is Marie, and I am the editor-in-chief of The Mycenaean. I am also President of Model UN and President of Quill and Scroll Honor Society. I love whitewater kayaking and rollercoasters.
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