Exams this year, like most things, look different than previous years. The majority of exams are teacher-made and virtual. (Photo used by permission of Leesville Road High School)
Leesville students have final exams from January 11 through January 15.
All teacher-made exams are virtual, but state policy requires all EOC exams and certain CTE exams to be in person.
Students who do not take an EOC and have not submitted a medical exemption will receive an Incomplete for their course.
Teachers may choose to give their exams asynchronously. They may also choose to give a performance or project-based assessment. Teachers can assign any project-based final between January 4 – 15, 2021.
Seniors with a grade of C or above on January 7, 2021 for a class will be exempt from the final exam if it is not state-mandated. Seniors should communicate with their teachers if they have any questions about their exemptions.
Click here for the full exam schedule for first semester courses.
The Wake County Public School System is using the flexibility that the state has given to all districts to amend the grading structure for state exams. EOC and CTE exams will have the following scoring plan:
- The grading scale for state assessments will include a minimum possible score of 60%
- Exam score can only improve the course average
The goal of the changes is to ensure that no student fails the course as a direct result of their score on the exam. If a student’s score on the state exam is lower than the combined average of Quarter 1 and Quarter 2, Leesville will curve the student’s exam score to equal their course average.
However, scores are only curved for the purpose of calculating the course averages. The student’s transcript will reflect the original EOC scale score, achievement level, and percentile.
“Students have been through a hard time… we need something that can help us and that can boost some of us,” said Dayna Wilkerson, sophomore, via text. With about 25% of WCPSS secondary students failing one or more classes, Wilkerson believes the new exam grading scale will help some students pass.
“While I understand that some may think it unfair that previous students haven’t been given the same flexibility with exams, people need to realize that these are different circumstances than previous years,” said Sean Ohmann, senior, via text.
Despite the new scoring structure, students are still nervous about exams. “I have to take the Math III Honors exam in person with no notes, so I’m very nervous about how I’ll do,” said Wilkerson. Like many students, Wilkerson’s classes have transitioned to tests and quizzes that are open notes. “I’ve relied heavily on them,” said Wilkerson.
“I’m not taking exams for all my classes, but if I was I’d be a little stressed– classes aren’t the same online and I’m definitely not retaining as much information as I would in person,” said Ohmann.
With nerves running rampant, Ian Solomon, principal, has some words of encouragement. “The exam is an opportunity to share what students have learned, and as long as students try their best they’ll do just that,” said Solomon via email.
Hi! My name is Marie, and I am the editor-in-chief of The Mycenaean. I am also President of Model UN and President of Quill and Scroll Honor Society. I love whitewater kayaking and rollercoasters.
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