Pride Production’s Winter Show

Cindy Marcus and Flip Kobler’s A Virtual Christmas Carol is Leesville’s first show for the 2020-2021 school year. (Photo courtesy of Marie Cox)

Leesville’s drama department is presenting a live stream performance of A Virtual Christmas Carol on Thursday, December 10, and Friday, December 11 at 7:00 PM. 

In a typical year, Leesville’s drama department would already have the season’s fall play staged and wrapped up. However, online learning is not stopping them from presenting a show. The Mainstage class, a year-long advanced acting class, is putting on A Virtual Christmas Carol

The show, designed by Cindy Marcus and Flip Kobler, blends a traditional telling with an update to modern times. Marcus and Kobler designed it for video conferencing rather than a stage.

“The whole show is over Zoom,” wrote Kaylen Rorie, stage manager, via text. An online show presented new obstacles for the department. 

“We had to figure out lighting which was a problem,” wrote Rorie. Since everything was on a computer camera, the lighting for some actors was too dark, while others had lighting that left them overexposed. When scenes would normally end with the light blacking out, actors turn their cameras off. 

“In class we had brainstorming sessions to solve some of the challenges we had,” wrote Rorie. Tech Crew, the year-long technical theatre class, helped troubleshoot a few problems. “It was still very much a collaborative effort, like any show would have been.” 

Anyone can watch the show by purchasing a streaming pass.  It’s $12.50 for individual viewing and $22.75  if two or more are watching the show. The show’s runtime is about 45 minutes. 

If you can’t make it to one of the performances, you can still help support the theatre program by eating out at Leesville Tap Room on Thursday, December 10 from 5:00 – 9:00 PM. Online or call-in orders are acceptable, but GrubHub orders are not. 

If calling in, mention that you are with LRHS Pride Productions. If ordering online, “Edit” one of your selections and put LRHS Pride Productions in the “Special Instructions”. 

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