All exams looked different in this COVID crazy time. Multiple-choice exams were just one example of how teachers could format their end-of-course test, alongside essays and projects. (Photo in Public Domain)
Exam week lasted from January 11-15, and many students held differing opinions on the changes that took place.
Because of fall semester’s virtual environment, Wake County decided that all exams could only be beneficial to your final grade. No exam score could bring your grade down. Students took teacher-made exams at home. This meant teachers highly encouraged students to take the exam, but they could not require it, with the exception of in-person exams.
Math 3, Biology, and English 2, along with CTE exams are state-made. Students had to go to school to take these exams. Although they could not hurt your grade either, if students didn’t take them, they would get an incomplete in the class.
Most students agree that this system worked well, decreasing exam week anxiety while still offering an opportunity to improve your grade.
“This year’s exams [were] definitely different… I think most can… agree that it was a lot less stressful since [exams] could not hurt your grade,” said Sydney Irby, sophomore, via text. “I looked over my notes, and I knew [most] of the content before, but I didn’t spend hours [studying] or stress over it since it was so lowkey.”
“I decided to take all of my exams because it did not feel right to complete a course without finishing its final exam,” said Koray Latif, junior, via text. Many students didn’t take their final exam, especially if they liked their final grade. Some students, however, took the exams anyway, if only to feel a sense of completion in the course subject.
All in all, students enjoyed the low-stress exam environment and would like to see a similar schedule in the future.
“This year has been challenging for everyone and the last thing students should have to worry about is if they passed a class or not,” said Amaya Montague, junior, via text. “I think for final exams the school should allow us to see if we are satisfied with our grade and if not then we can choose to take the exam or not.”
As of right now, spring 2021 exams will count the same way, which will be a relief to many students. This flexible exam system decreased stress for students while still allowing them the benefits of bringing up their grades — overall, that’s a win.

Hi! My name is Ellie and I am the editor in chief for The Mycenaean. I play soccer at NCFC and go to The Summit Church!
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