With students returning to the Leesville Road High School building on February 15, it is imperative that all people entering the building are aware of the guidelines they must follow. Safety and health is prioritized all throughout the building. (Screengrab by Lyric Chassin)
On February 2, the Wake County Board of Education voted for students to return to in-person learning on February 15. Pre-k through 3rd grade students will go to school full time while 4th through 12th grade students are split into 3 different weekly rotations.
For Leesville Road High School, February 15 marks the start of in-person learning for Cohort B/2 students. The first week back to school will determine how safety precautions will be administered and their levels of success for the entire county.
The three cohorts are following a weekly rotation. Cohort 2 starts the in-person learning, followed by 3, then 1, and so on. The Wake County 2020-2021 Traditional calendar can be accessed here.
When the original plan to return to in-person learning at the start of second semester was still in place, Leesville released a video guide of how to navigate the school in order to ensure safety. The 6-minute video offers a list of the precautions Leesville is taking and what to expect when inside the building.
There is signage and markings for social distancing and temperature checks upon entering the building. Hand sanitizing stations are placed throughout the entire school. Direction signs mark the hallways and floors so that students travel in the safest direction. Click here to watch the video and learn more about the safety precautions Leesville is taking.
Leesville has also created an 18 page health and safety manual for students and parents to follow. The manual highlights rules, directions, what spaces are available for student access, and other safety information. Click here to read the manual.
Students should move through the building in the correct directions without stopping or straying from the path. Going straight to your designated classroom instead of hanging out in the hallway makes the transition periods safer for all.
If you are unsure about what you can do or where you are supposed to go, don’t hesitate to ask a teacher for help. Every task should be completed in the safest manner possible.
When students attend school during their cohort, it is necessary to prioritize health and safety. If you may be sick, it is important to stay home instead of putting other students and faculty at risk. It is exciting to be back in school after almost a year, but it can only stay that way if every person entering the building is following the guidelines.
Returning to school is a big risk for students and faculty alike. Be grateful that you have the opportunity to safely attend school and take advantage of the time you have with peers. As many of us have learned over the past several months, it is much easier to learn in the classroom. Cherish the moments inside the building all while being safe as possible.

Hi! My name is Lyric and I am a senior editor and the website editor for The Mycenaean. I am also Vice President of Quill and Scroll Society, Makeup Crew Head, and a member of National English Honor Society.
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