Return to school FAQ

What does Plan A mean?

Students on Plan A will attend class on campus, in person with their teachers and classmates every school day. 

When does Plan A start?

Plan A instruction will begin on Thursday, April 8 for schools on a traditional calendar, like Leesville.

I’m currently Plan B. Can I join Virtual Academy since Leesville is transitioning to Plan A?

Yes, Plan B students can register for Virtual Academy.

“Students may opt to remain in the Virtual Academy, move into the Virtual Academy, or return full-time to in-person classes.” –Ian Solomon

How long do I have to switch from Virtual Academy to Plan A, or vice versa?

“In accordance with Senate Bill 220, all families who want to change their student’s plan must communicate this decision by April 1.” –WCPSS

How do I join Virtual Academy?

All Leesville families should complete this survey by April 1 to inform Leesville of their students’ plans for the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year. You can also find the survey link at the top of the LRHS homepage.

“A non-response to the survey above will indicate that your child(ren) wants to remain in their current learning environment (i.e., Virtual Academy or in-person).” – Ian Solomon

If I change my learning environment (i.e., Plan A to VA) will my schedule change? When will my schedule change?

“Students asking to move from Virtual Academy to an in-person cohort (or vice versa) need to know that schedule changes, including teacher changes, may occur. Students will be notified by their counselor once their schedule change has been processed, should they choose to change learning environments.” – Ian Solomon

“Changes for students who do not have an IEP or 504 Plan who want to move to or from Virtual Academy will be implemented no later than April 19.” – WCPSS

Is the bell schedule changing?

Yes, the bell schedule is changing for both Plan A and Virtual Academy students. You can find the new schedule here

The largest change in the new schedule is only having two lunches instead of three.

Can I go off campus for lunch?

“Juniors and Seniors may complete this application granting permission for off-campus lunch.” -Ian Solomon

Can I apply for a parking pass if I haven’t already?

Yes, you can apply for a parking pass by using this link.

I’ve already applied for a parking pass, but never picked it up. When can I pick up my parking pass?

“Parking Passes may be picked up on March 25 from 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM or on April 6 for 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.” –Ian Solomon

Is the instructional calendar changing?

WCPSS revised one teacher workday on the existing traditional school calendar to provide schools an additional day following spring break before students arrive. The teacher workday on May 13 is now on April 7.

Will we still have asynchronous days?

As of right now, the only change to the existing instructional calendar is the teacher workday on May 13 moving to April 7. 

Unless WCPSS alters the calendar, April 14, April 28, May 5, and May 26 are remote learning days.

Will we still have one-directional hallways, social distancing, etc.?

“One-directional hallways, extended transition times, cleaning between classes, and socially distanced lunches will continue to be protocols that we follow at LRHS.” –Ian Solomon

“Plan A is ‘Minimal Social Distancing,’ but still requires NC Department of Health and Human Services protocols: 

       • Social distancing protocols to the extent possible and as practicable;

       • Cloth face coverings;

       • Cleaning and hygiene protocols;

       • Protecting vulnerable populations;

       • Conducting regular screening and ongoing self-monitoring of symptoms; and

       • Appropriate steps to address suspected, presumptive or confirmed cases of COVID-19.

Parents and students who are considering a return to Plan A should keep in mind that school will remain different in many ways than before the pandemic.” –WCPSS


Have questions that aren’t above? Tweet @LRHSnews and we’ll find the answers for you.

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