On Monday, April 26, Ian Soloman, the principal of LRHS, released the final exam protocols and schedule for the 2021 Spring Semester. The information covers both state and teacher-made exams.
State Exams
The state requires students to participate in all state final exams which include EOCs for Math 1, Math 3, Biology, and English 2, as well as specific CTE exams.
Students have to take these exams in-person. The state exams will be housed in the main building on the LRHS campus. Virtual Academy students will take the tests in a smaller testing environment. Administrators will release more information closer to the exams.
State exams will begin at 7:25 AM and dismissal will only occur once every student in the classroom is finished.
Teacher-Made Exams
On the other hand, students may take teacher-made final exams at home or in-person. To take a teacher-made exam in-person, students must request to do so through their teacher. Teachers will release a sign-up for this purpose in May.
Students must also schedule teacher-made make-up exams with the teacher if needed.
Students that opt to take the teacher-made exams in person will take them in the Murphy Building on campus.
Teacher-made exams will last from 7:30 to 9:30 AM each day. Administrators will dismiss students at the back circle on campus.
Any student that needs to take a bus will wait in the cafeteria or auditorium after exams until the buses arrive at 12:15 AM.
Neither state nor teacher-made exams can harm students’ grades. If a student gets an exam grade below their average for the course, they will receive an exam score that is equivalent to their average.
The exams schedule is as follows:
- Friday, June 4: Period 1 Exams
- Monday, June 7: Period 2 Exams
- Tuesday, June 8: Period 3 Exams
- Wednesday, June 9: Period 4 Exams
- Thursday, June 10: Make-up State Exams
- Friday, June 11: Teacher Workday

Hi! My name is Sydney and I am a staff writer for The Mycenaean. I am also a member of Key Club and Co-President of the Food Club Bank. I’m the last of six Kaelin family members to go through Leesville.
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