Brooke Dunkley is an engaged member of the LRHS community, tackling numerous activities, sports, and responsibilities. She strives for success, and she has achieved it in many diverse areas.
Dunkley is an all-around athlete, both strong and competitive. She is an active weightlifter and will be competing in Nationals this summer.
Additionally, Dunkley is a tri-sport athlete for LRHS. She is on the dance team, a team of girls who compete and perform dance numbers. You’re likely to see them on the sidelines at football games, cheering the team on and engaging the crowd. They are an essential part of the Friday Night Lights experience.
Dunkley also served as captain of the gymnastics team. A smaller, less well-known team, these athletes train together and participate in competitions. Dunkley helps lead the team as captain, energizing and unifying them, even in a more individualized sport.
During the spring sports season, Dunkley competes in the pole-vaulting event on the LRHS track team. She is a phenomenal athlete — during every season of the school year, you can find her leading on one of these various sports teams.
She is hard-working and determined in every area, including academics and clubs.
Dunkley serves as vice-president on the Executive Council and in National Honor Society. Both clubs are service-oriented, so she is actively involved in bettering the community. She is helping to engage the student body and meet the needs of the community.
Dunkley stands out as one of only a handful of Leesville for Lifers — students who have been at Leesville since kindergarten.
In her 13 years at Leesville, she has built supportive and encouraging relationships. “My favorite part of Leesville is all the students,” said Dunkley, via text.
“Some advice I have for new students is to try as many new things as you can in high school! It helps you learn what you are interested in/passionate about,” wrote Dunkley.
As you can see Dunkley learned a lot: from pole vaulting to Executive Council, Leesville offers numerous clubs and sports. Everyone can find the things they love, just like Dunkley did.

Hi! My name is Ellie and I am the editor in chief for The Mycenaean. I play soccer at NCFC and go to The Summit Church!
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