Elizabeth Kluckman is a positive and determined student who dedicates her time towards encouraging and helping others.
Kluckman is a member of National Honors Society, Math Club, Math NHS, and National Dance Honors Society. These are prestigious clubs with mission statements aimed at helping peers and those in need through tutoring and service. Kluckman has played a large role in these service clubs during her time in Leesville, serving as a prominent member in the math field especially.
“My favorite part of Leesville is the chorus program,” wrote Kluckman. Kluckman serves as an inspiration to some of the younger students looking at joining the advanced chorus at LRHS. She makes sure her peers are never feeling left out, always taking the first step at making everyone feel welcome.
In her free time, Kluckman likes spending time with her friends, helping to build the close community environment Leesville is known for.
“Some advice that I would give to new freshmen is to not be afraid to be who you are!” wrote Kluckman.
Her relentless positive attitude inspires those around her to always stay true to themselves and be the best version of themselves they can be.
Hi! My name is Abigail and I am a senior editor for The Mycenaean. I am also a member of Leesville’s cross country team and track team, as well as the president of National Technical Honor Society.
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