On June 10 and 11, the Leesville Road High School class of 2021 will graduate, thus ending our senior year and our high school career once and for all. As a graduating senior, I find it necessary to share some of the tips I have learned over my four years at Leesville to anyone who feels they may need it. Here are my top five tips that I would like to share to any incoming students or current students for Leesville or high school in general.
1. It doesn’t matter what your peers think of you
Something a majority of students are concerned about is fitting in and finding their place. While you are living through that struggle, it may seem like the most important part of your life, but as time goes on it doesn’t matter too much. Trying to change yourself or overthinking your actions and choices just to please others doesn’t do anything but make yourself more insecure and worrisome. Appreciate your differences and focus on loving yourself and growing into the young adult you are meant to be.
2. Treat everyone with kindness
High school can be a very tough time for most students. Between growing up and the increased workload, mental health is an issue for teens all across the world. You never know what is going on in someone else’s life; it’s important to prioritize kindness. Even just a compliment or a smile can brighten someone’s day. Be caring and cautious of your words and actions. Being a kind light in a world of negativity is just what the seemingly toxic high school environment needs.
3. Don’t overwork yourself
At most high schools around the country, the course levels and work can be rigorous and the community is competitive. Knowing your limit is extremely important when it comes to signing up for classes. Although 6 AP classes your junior year might look good on your college applications, it’s not worth sacrificing your mental health and time for. Experiment with course levels in your early years and determine what you can handle before putting too much on your plate. Taking just enough honors and AP classes will put you where you want to be.
4. Get involved
As cliché as it sounds, getting involved is one of the most important things you can do in high school. Not only does it look great on applications, but it’s a great way to build the foundation for friendships and career interests. Leesville offers many different clubs, honor societies, sports teams, etc. that are super easy to get into and keep up with. Trying new things and putting yourself out there creates the potential for a newfound interest, hobby, or even friends. Click here to read more about the opportunities and activities Leesville offers.
5. Live in the moment
Appreciating the time you get in the school building and the time you get with your peers makes a major difference in your high school experience. Especially with COVID, a lot of current high school students missed a full year of classroom time, classmate interaction, and activities. Take the opportunity to cherish the time you have in high school and value every class from the most challenging to the most boring. Before you know it, you’ll be walking across the stage and moving on to the next chapter of your life!

Hi! My name is Lyric and I am a senior editor and the website editor for The Mycenaean. I am also Vice President of Quill and Scroll Society, Makeup Crew Head, and a member of National English Honor Society.
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