Leesville Installs New Water Bottle Fillers

These stations attach to the top of conventional water fountains and provide a touch free filling experience. 

With the spread of Covid 19, it is necessary that students have a more sanitary way of staying hydrated here at Leesville. Not only do these hydration stations have a touch free system, they also count the amount of water bottles that they fill, giving an idea of how much plastic has been saved. 

If the average  disposable water bottle is made with 10.31 grams of plastic, and 10 bottles are saved a day, then by the end of the year LRHS at just one filling station will have saved 41 lbs of plastic. 

Every bottle saved is one less that will go into a landfill or in the stomach of a wild animal. Patrick Fleming, is a student at LRHS.

 “I think they are perfect for the modern issue of plastic going into our oceans. The fillers are saving our water and the sea turtles!”, said Fleming via text.

Overall the water bottle fillers are an amazing addition to Leesville’s campus. These stations are the most environmentally friendly and the most sanitary way to stay hydrated at LRHS.

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