For the 2020-2021 online school year, students were very grateful for the introduction of a schoolwide two hour Leesville lunch time — but as they returned to school in-person, most students are having trouble adjusting back to the 40 minute lunch.
2021-2022 Lunch Times
A lunch- 10:27-11:07
B lunch- 12:02-12:50
Some upperclassmen have trouble with the length of the lunch time and feel they do not have enough time to eat.
“I go home during lunch, but I don’t have enough time to chill and eat…lunch should be 55 minutes. I haven’t been late yet this year coming back from lunch and going to my 4th period, but I still don’t have a lot of time and feel rushed,” said Josh Cash, 12th grader at Leesville.
Even the underclassmen who stay on-campus seem to share the predicament.
“The lunch time should definitely be longer because students deserve time to talk and fully eat then be able to get to class without feeling rushed. I think lunches should be an hour long. Being a sophomore it’s not any easier to get to class on time because it’s so crowded,” said Ashley Lamme, sophomore at Leesville.
Students receive tardies even if they are late to class by a minute.Upperclassman (11th-12th grade) with a total of 5 tardies will have their off-campus lunch pass revoked.
“I think the tardy passes are unfair because I was right at the door the minute the bell rang, and the door got closed in my face and I got a tardy pass,” said Leah Zehia, 11th grader at Leesville with B Lunch. “Getting back on campus with all the traffic is insane and makes me late. They should have another few minutes after the final bell for us to get to class.”

Hi! My name is Maddy and I am a staff writer for the Mycenaean. I love to travel, watch sunsets, and listen to music.
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