Wearing what you know is very important to a wide range of ages, from young to old and anywhere in between. Fashion to some only involves looks as they take no interest in the design of their clothing. Others do value the design of what they wear as it forms a connection between themselves and how they express themselves through clothes.
LRHS students often wear name brand sweatshirts, etc. with different logos or phrases on them but never really understand what or why those logos/phrases are there. They simply wear it for the name brand or fashion purposes.
So why do we do it? Why do citizens who value depth not second guess the message sent by their clothing?
Tmiya B., a junior at LRHS, said that she pays attention both to what is on the clothing item and if it is appealing to the eye. She further stated that most of the time, however, it does matter what message her clothing is sending. When asked why she believes the message matters she said, “because of beliefs and my personal preference.”
Nowadays personal preference has come a long way in decision making, especially pertaining to the fashion industry. In 2021 this new generation — Gen Z — has made major improvements when it comes to being themselves or expressing themselves through clothing. We deliberately pick what looks good to the eyes because it feels like a connection — clothes have been renovated to fit us personally, no longer fitting just one gender, age, or group.
It is like Kaelyn McCann said in a recent interview — many teenage students don’t mind what comes on their clothing when it pertains to a particular band, movie and/or famous person. They just believe whatever looks good to them is enough, which is why you may see someone in a Rolling Stones tee-shirt although they have never actually listened to their music.
But this concept of deliberately wearing things that you are not familiar with is only to a certain extent. All things have limits.
For example Azariya Pretty, a Garner High graduate, said, “When it comes to items that mean something to certain cultures or correlate with traumas that ancestors of certain people have had to endure then I’ll leave those items alone, out of respect for those people and their cultures.”
So yes, you may see a couple LRHS students hit the halls with clothing items having no clue what is on them, but they are respectfully being themselves through style. Which is something to celebrate as humans collectively have come a long way with the acceptance of openly being themselves.
Fashion is important, but these days the competition to be ourselves through fashion has overpowered its original meaning, which was to look good and presentable.
Recreating is what humans have come accustomed to for years. We are experts at it by now so wear what you know to be true, and wear what you know to be you, because otherwise fashion would be dull and uncreative.
Hi! My name is India and I am a staff writer for The Mycenaean. I like writing, and I’ve written multiple short stories. I also enjoy different cultures.
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