Leesville’s Opinion on National Gun Control

In recent years, many schools across the United States have had fatal school shootings and dealt with horrible loss. 

Students took action, protesting and organizing for gun control, but no new laws, such as expanded background checks, have been passed. However, 83% of gun owners, and 72% of NRA members support these new regulations.

Leesville students have different views on gun control. 68 Leesville students completed an Instagram poll. 79% (or 54 votes) were in favor of increased gun control on automatic weapons and more safety measures. Just 21% (or 14 votes) were against it. 


For Increased Gun Control

In general, Leesville Students believe that the government should regulate guns but not entirely ban them. “I feel like people should have the right to own them as long as they are used responsibly and there are background checks, with the number of school shootings and everything lately I feel like it’s more important to make sure that we have safety controls rather than just allow anyone to have them. ” said Victoria Hall, a junior at Leesville.  

Most Leesville students, even those who consider themselves “pro-Second Amendment,” generally support increased background checks and a longer waiting period.

Against Increased Gun Control

Some Leesville students think that guns should have better safety restrictions but would like to see other restrictions loosened up.

“I feel that law-abiding citizens should be able to purchase, use, and own guns. I think that guns right now are regulated as much as they need to be — you have several large forms, taxes, that kind of thing,” said Andrew Davis, a junior at Leesville.

In general, most students at our school want to see better background checks and a few more common-sense restrictions, but with the Senate refusing to act on guns these days, it seems unlikely.

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