On September 22, Lucasfilm released their newest masterpiece, Star Wars Visions. The new animated series is based off of George Lucas’ original inspiration from samurai movies that he used for the original Star Wars, released in 1977. Star Wars Visions is out on Disney+.
The Stories
Star Wars Visions offers unique spin-off stories from the main Star Wars saga. Do not expect to find any of your old favorite characters like Luke Skywalker here but rather to find new favorites such as Am and Karre.
The first episode, “The Duel”, is about an ex-Jedi that is not on either side of the Force who saves a village from a Sith Lord and her army.
The second story, called ”Tatooine Rhapsody”, is more comedic, set around a band playing for Jabba the Hutt. The third one I watched, called “The Twins”, was about two Dark Side twins battling on a Star Destroyer over a mega-powerful Kyber Crystal, a crystal that makes lightsabers work. Lucasfilm crafts the stories in unique and detailed ways.
The Animation
One of the most interesting things about the stories was the difference in animation. All of the animation was perfectly done. I especially enjoyed “The Duel”, which was completely in black and white, with the exception of blasters and lightsabers. It was very cool to watch because of the different animation and samurai feel of the story.
Tatooine Rhapsody was more childish in style. It involved a “battle of the bands” storyline and the animation wasn’t as good. I also found it tough to follow. I can see how it can appeal to younger kids, but I don’t think that most people would enjoy it.
In my opinion, “The Twins” had the best animation hands down. While the monochromatic feel of the first story was nice, the third story gives the viewers the best of both worlds in the animation department: The animation was in full color with exceptional drawing skills.
My Thoughts
This is a solid series…for a spin-off. I appreciated the genuine storytelling, beautiful animation, and well-developed new characters. I really enjoyed all of the fight sequences which were packed with detail and action.
The people over at Lucasfilm have created a new classic, and each of its chapters fit perfectly into fifteen minute episodes.

Hey, I’m Noah and I am a staff writer on The Mycenean. I participate in Executive Council and I am on the autism spectrum which is useful for retaining information about my special interest, politics.
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