Now is the time where any student at Leesville has the chance to sign up to be in the military.
Click here to access the sign up sheet and sign up to meet with your recruiter of choice. Particular branches are offered so a student can pick which one they are most interested in. Up to 40 students are allowed to sign up due to covid restrictions.
Recruiters who come to Leesville are for students who plan on going to the military straight after high school. Another option is for one to attend a military college, and there are direct opportunities provided at Leesville for that as well.
“Students sign up for the military for many reasons. One of the biggest is that most students that choose to take on this career in the future have military family members. Some do it just because they want to serve their country,” said Mrs. Canada.
Financial benefits are also applied for students choosing to sign up for the military in high school. There are many military colleges to choose from and tuition assistance that could be provided.
Recruiters will be coming to Leesville on Thursday, October 28 and Friday, October 29. They will be on campus during both lunches.
Mrs. Canada is in charge of the military sign up and contacting the military recruiters. She recommends that students sign up prior to the appearance of the recruiters, yet still some do not.
“When the recruiters are on campus, students see them during lunch and become interested. To be able to have direct contact with them and be able to go straight to the desired branch of the military then it’s important for students to sign up before,” she said.
Another opportunity for students wanting to attend a military college is provided. A conference is being held November 4 from six to eight in the media center. Those who attend are ones who are interested in attending the West Point US Military Academy. West Point is a four year federal service academy located in West Point, New York.

Hi! My name is Maddy and I am a staff writer for the Mycenaean. I love to travel, watch sunsets, and listen to music.
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