Daylight Saving Time

Leesville Road High School students are feeling the effects of “fall back” from the ending of Daylight Saving Time. 

Daylight Saving Time started on March 14 and ended on November 7. People practice this in every continent except Africa, Asia, and South America. 

During this time of year, clocks advance by an hour so that the sky gets dark later in the day during the summer and pushed back in the winter to return to standard time.

This practice undergoes severe criticism every year due to health issues like a rise in heart attacks, strokes, and car crashes

According to Dr. Joseph S. Takahasi from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, “In the fall, losing an hour of evening light can markedly affect our mood,” typed Takashi in an article. “[Daylight Saving Time] signals the beginning of seasonal affective disorder, a type of depression that is associated with a lack of sunlight.”

Students like Cassidy Farrell, junior, don’t like how bright it is in the morning. “[Daylight Saving Time] is so pointless,” said Farrell. “Can I just move to Arizona where they don’t have it?” 

Arizona practiced Daylight Saving Time from 1918 until 1968, and they are in Mountain Standard Time year-round. The only region of the state that practices it now is the Navajo Nation. 

Other students like Caroline Phillips, junior, claim that it is so light outside before school that they feel late. “I woke up this morning, and everything was just bright,” said Phillips. “Everything felt weird and everything feels off. I don’t like it.” 

But, change may be on the horizon. According to the Farmer’s Almanac, at least 33 states have introduced legislation to end Daylight Saving Time, and most Americans want to do away with the practice. 

Daylight Saving Time occurs again on March 13, 2022. 

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