November National Novel Writing Month

What is National Novel Writing Month? (NaNoWriMo)

National Novel Writing Month is an annual month-long event for writers to hone their skill by practicing consistent writing patterns. Each participant sets up a word goal–usually around 50,000 words–and tries to reach that goal by the end of November. 

Why Participate in National Novel Writing Month?

NaNoWriMo is a great opportunity to enhance skills and for young writers to start getting into steady writing patterns. 

Many writers feel stressed when working on projects because they feel the need to perfect their writing the first time. During this month, though, writers don’t have to focus on the quality of their work and can finish a lot more writing. Not only that, but writers can also minimize stress by customizing their word goal to best suit their available time.

If NaNoWriMo is done consistently over the years, writers can use it to mark and measure skill growth. “I wanted to see if I had grown within my writing since I wrote a novel in eighth grade…I feel like I have [grown] and that my writing style has changed a bit.” said Abbey Henshall–a student at Leesville who is participating in NaNoWriMo this month– via email. 

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