Exam week is rapidly approaching. LRHS released the 2021-22 exam schedule recently, and there are a few changes from previous years.
Students return from break on January 3 and will have one week of school before exams begin. You only have to be on campus if you have an exam scheduled for that day. Additionally, Monday, January 17 is a holiday, and Tuesday, January 18 is a teacher workday.
On the schedule, there are 2 exams Monday and Tuesday, with the math and english EOC exams on Wednesday and Thursday. Friday will be a make-up exam day by appointment with teachers. Exams count for 20% of students’ final grades.
Monday, January 10
7:25 – 10:05 — Period 1
10:15 – 12:55 — Period 2
12:55 – 1:15 — Grab and go lunch
1:15 — Dismissal and bus departure
Tuesday, January 11
7:25 – 10:05 — Period 3
10:15 – 12:55 — Period 4
12:55 – 1:15 — Grab and go lunch
1:15 — Dismissal and bus departure
Wednesday, January 12
7:25 – 11:45 — Math 1 & Math 3 EOC
11:45 – 12:00 — Grab and go lunch
12:00 — Dismissal and bus departure
Thursday, January 13
7:25 – 11:45 English 2 EOC
11:45 – 12:00 Grab and go lunch
12:00 Dismissal and bus departure
Teachers may offer exams during their class’s exam period, or they can offer a project-based assignment instead. Your teacher will notify you if this is the case for your class.
A few things to note:
- Early Release: If you would like to leave school before the official release time, you must have your parents sign a release form for EACH day you wish to leave.
- Senior Exemptions: If you are a senior and have an average grade of a C or higher, you may be exempt from the exam. However, you can opt to take it if you would like — talk to your teacher if this is the case.
Make sure to study and prepare for your exams. Good luck!

Hi! My name is Ellie and I am the editor in chief for The Mycenaean. I play soccer at NCFC and go to The Summit Church!
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