Trending: Support for Ukraine Around the World

The biggest news trending around the world is the war going on between Russia and Ukraine. 

Russian leader, Vladimir Putin, launched missiles into Ukraine on February 24, 2022, starting the war between the two countries. However, the Ukrainian people, government, and troops declare they are not going down without a fight. In fact, Putin did not expect this kind of resistance from Ukraine. 

Over the past couple of days, cities all over lit up their landmarks the colors of the Ukrainian flag. According to USA Today News, the most recent city is Los Angeles where they lit up the LA City Hall building. 

Let’s take a look at some of the landmarks: 

February 24, 2022 

Hours after the attack, Norway wanted to show their solidarity for Ukraine. Norway illuminated Oslo City Hall with the Ukrainian colors (photo courtesy of Norway Today).

February 25, 2022 

Paris, France decided to show their support for Ukraine by lighting up one of the most famous landmarks – the Eiffel Tower.

The night of February 25, the Empire State Building projected the colors yellow and blue to announce their support.
London, England joined other countries by alternating the colors yellow and blue on the London Eye. Here, London showed their unity with the people of Ukraine. 

(Photo courtesy of CNN for all pictures)

February 26, 2022 

Pictured is the Oresund Bridge which is between Denmark and Sweden. On this night, Denmark and Sweden showed their support for Ukraine (photo courtesy of Daily Sabah).

February 27, 2022 

Pictured is Stralsund, Germany lighting up their city hall to share their unit for the Ukrainian people.
Pictured is the Peace Tower on Parliament Hill which is located in Ontario. 

(Photo courtesy of USA Today for all pictures)

February 28, 2022 

The Opera House lit up their sails blue and yellow. The Opera House is located in Sydney, Australia (Photo courtesy of
Lisbon’s city hall lit up the night of February 28 after the invasion of Kyiv, Ukraine’s capital (photo courtesy of USA Today).

These are just some of the cities that have shown their support for the people of Ukraine. Hopefully more countries decide to join this list in order to present their unity with the Ukrainian people.

For photos of other landmarks visit this website. 


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