Leesville’s 2022 spring carnival will be held both in the stadium and the Murphy Building drop-off traffic circle.
There will be general carnival activities like food and booths, which various clubs run. Other activities such as sports competitions, student and teacher relays, and more.
The executive council at LRHS is in charge of coming up with a spring project each year.
Why a Spring Carnival?
“Before Covid, we usually had set events during the spring season we would do, but with Covid we realized we could kind of redesign things. We originally were thinking we could host a dance and there were a few other ideas until someone came up with the spring carnival. Everyone really liked the idea based off of other events they’ve been to similar to this, such as the state fair and other carnivals we have attended like the one at Sycamore Creek. Exec thought this would be a really cute idea to bring to Leesville,” said Shani Inbari, Executive Council president.
Inbari hopes for success from the event and the carnival will become an annual thing for Leesville.
Anyone in the Leesville community is welcome to attend the carnival. This includes students from the Elementary, Middle, and High school along with their families.
Ticket prices are not set yet, but they are likely to be around $5-$7, according to Hayden Kizakevich, a member of the Executive Council helping plan the event.
Similar to how powderpuff, exec uses the money made from ticket sales to break even with the cost of purchases from the event. Any extra money after this goes to the Executive Council as fundraising money.
The process continues as executive council plans more. They want to include food trucks and exact cost of the tickets. They hope to see everyone there!

Hi! My name is Maddy and I am a staff writer for the Mycenaean. I love to travel, watch sunsets, and listen to music.
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