Juniors and Seniors, make sure to save the date! Prom is on May 13 from 7:00-11:00 p.m.
Prom is at the Raleigh Marriott near Crabtree Valley Mall. Students will enter through the back entrance to not disturb the hotel guests.
Students were given the choice between five different themes. The themes ranged from Night Under the Stars and Fairy Garden.
The winner is…Masquerade! It is a very flexible theme, and students are not required to wear masks at the event but are welcome to.
Students can purchase early bird tickets for $50 starting April 1 – April 24. After this, and up until May 6, tickets purchased will be $60.
“Junior Class Council has been in charge of organizing our prom this year. We coordinated different committees to get the job done,” said Emma Farabaugh, the Secretary of the Junior Class Council.
“Each officer of the council is in charge of a committee. There is a different team of people for logistics, advertisement, decorations, and food.”
“Our advisors and everyone else has been really helpful in this process,” said Farabaugh.
Many students at Leesville like Camille Xu, junior, are very excited for prom this year.
“I’m excited to go out with my friends and dress up and have a good time,” said Xu. “Especially after the pandemic when we couldn’t do anything.”
Xu likes the theme of prom this year, Masquerade, better in comparison to other prom choices.
“[It is better] compared to the stereotypical themes like Under the Sea or Night Under the Stars, it’s very unique,” said Xu.
“I’m so excited to see what everyone does and I’m excited about the mask element,” said Xu. “It’s just another thing that we can all incorporate into our outfits.”
All juniors and seniors can scan the QR code below to purchase tickets for prom!

Hi! My name is Maddy and I am a staff writer for the Mycenaean. I love to travel, watch sunsets, and listen to music.
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