Most students pick up a job during the school year. Leesville students with jobs struggle to find the time to complete their schoolwork with such a tight schedule.
James Fiduccia, a junior, works at Harris Teeter. He usually works three days a week from 4-9. Fiduccia only has minimal downtime after school before he has to leave for work, leaving him little time to complete assignments.
“It’s a struggle keeping up with my homework. I either have to stay up really late or turn the work in late,” Fiduccia said.
The biggest struggle is getting schoolwork done on time. Fiduccia tries to take advantage of the days he is not scheduled to catch up.
“I have several assignments piled up. It is overwhelming,” he said.
Fiduccia is one of many who struggle to balance homework and work.
Phoebe Gupton, a Leesville senior, works at Regal movie theater. She works no more than three days a week from 4-10. Like Fiduccia, work gets in the way of school work.
“I end up having to stay up late in order to get my work turned in. I come to school drained the next day,” Gupton explained.
Gupton uses personalization time and the days she is not at Regal to finish up her assignments.
“It’s stressful to come home from socializing at school, and then immediately having to do so an hour later. I get very little breaks to do my own thing,” she said.
Even with all their struggles, students keep up with their jobs. They try to take advantage of any extra time they have to not fall behind in classes.

Hi, I’m Kira. I am a senior and I am also a tripet!
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