There are six early release days scheduled for the 2022-2023 school year. These days were added to help teachers complete training without having to do it on weeknights or weekends.  Twelve hours of instructional time were affected by releasing students early. Adjusting lunch and passing time was the solution to get back the 12 hours…

 Early Release Days 

There are six early release days scheduled for the 2022-2023 school year. These days were added to help teachers complete training without having to do it on weeknights or weekends. 

Twelve hours of instructional time were affected by releasing students early. Adjusting lunch and passing time was the solution to get back the 12 hours of time lost due to former early release days.

Wake County added these days so teachers wouldn’t have to give up their personal time to complete training. Instead of teachers training on the weekends or evenings, early release days are being utilized. 

Mrs. Morey, assistant principal, said via email, “The early release days are a good opportunity for staff to participate in professional development. Professional development this year will focus on preparing all staff for the transition to Canvas as the learning management system among other things staff identified they need.”

Elizabeth Breher, a junior at Leesville, said, ¨I hate the early release days. I would rather have a day off than like two early releases. We have no time to go off anywhere for lunch anymore so it´s like what’s the point of even having off campus passes if you have to speed to get back on time.”

Early release days benefit teachers by giving them more professional development time. Students, however, are unhappy with them. Early release days have caused lots of change throughout the school affecting students’ free time during the day.

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