If you have not visited the LRHS library you have missed a gem hidden in plain sight.
Many resources are available including: books, ebooks, computers, printers, and password reset. This list is just the tip of the iceberg.
Mrs. Knightstep and Mrs. Dragone, the librarians at LRHS, are the students’ biggest resource. They create a student centric environment.
“Whether a student needs help on research or simply wants to check out their favorite book, we are here to help!” said Mrs. Knightstep.

The Leesville Road High School library is open everyday from seven to three in the afternoon.
Students can use the library before and after school without a pass.
If students need to use the library during lunch or during an instructional block, they can request a pass from the teacher or supervising adult.
Mrs. Knightstep, when asked when is the best time to use the library said, “Whatever works best for the individual student. Some students are here super early in the morning, so the best time for them is seven o’clock. They can’t stay after school because their bus leaves right away, but for other kids it is reversed. It all depends on the individual.”
The Leesville Road High School library is home to more than 21,000 books. In addition to the countless number of titles, there is a wide variety of resources available to every student at Leesville:
- Graphic novels
- Color printing
- Internet access
- Ebooks
- Quiet work place
For more information about the LRHS library:
http://leesvillemediacenter.weebly.com/ or stop in and visit our helpful librarians.

Hello! My name is Marco Kempinski. I am excited to be part of the LRHS newspaper for the year 2022 & 2023. I enjoy constantly expanding my knowledge and experience.
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