Leesville has a hidden sports gem: the Women’s Golf team.
The Women’s Golf team is coached by Mr. Patterson, one of our Leesville art teachers. The team’s season recently ended in September, putting a stop to their weekly games.
There are 11 members on the team, one being Hannah Davenport.
Davenport is a senior who has played for the Women’s Golf team for a little less than half a year. She joined the team because her dad, a 1995 Leesville graduate, had been on the men’s team when it first started.
“I love being on the team! They’re all very easygoing,” she said.
The Leesville Women’s Golf team doesn’t make it first in games but they make it first in teamwork. They averaged 5th place in the most recent conference, with Gibbons taking 1st; however, this does not discourage the team.
“We like to get competitive, but we don’t create so much pressure where it is no longer fun nor do we set obnoxious goals. As long as we can walk out there knowing we got a good shot, that’s all that matters,” said Davenport.
The coach, Mr. Patterson, cultivates a supportive environment within the team.
“He’s almost like a dad. He wants us to do better– as in he cares. He’ll give us tips and pointers but also congratulations and constant support,” Davenport said.
Typically, only parents show up to the matches to support the kids. It is rare to find a Leesville student attending a match. The players, however, do not mind this.
Sophia Bacchi, a sophomore, has been on the team since the start of the 2022 school year and has played golf for three years. She prefers the lack of attendees.
“It is more of an individual sport so I actually like that there is not a big show-up [of students],” Bacchi said.
“We really prefer it to be just us and the green, anyways,” said Davenport.
As cool as the Leesville Women’s Golf team is, the members do not mind if it stays a hidden sports gem.

Hi, I’m Kira. I am a senior and I am also a tripet!
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