Sometimes, school can feel like a horror movie. With stress about tests, the future, fights, and more, school conjures up many feelings for students, one being anxiety. There has been a plague of anxiety in schools. Leesville Road High School is no outlier.
Anxiety is a recurring feeling of dread and uneasiness. Sometimes, the reason for these feelings is unexplainable.
Anxiety can show itself in many variations, both physically and mentally. Physical symptoms can disguise themselves as an illness or a random stomach ache.
Leesville experiences
Abby, a Leesville senior, has experienced anxiety regarding school since seventh grade. Often, her anxiety presents itself physically.
“I’ve lost ten pounds since school started. School makes me not want to eat; I always feel physically sick,” Abby said.
Being an upperclassman, she is constantly worried about her future. Opposite of what most expect, she finds herself unmotivated due to her anxiety. Abby found it very hard to keep up her attendance last year. Her anxiety caused her to skip class periods because she could not calm herself down.
“My friends would get mad at me for not showing up to class because of my anxiety,” Abby said.
Her anxiety affects her relationships with friends and classmates. She feels guilty, but she can’t help it.
“I try to stay a full day at school, but halfway through first period I just can’t take it anymore. The anxiety gets too much.”
Abby wishes teachers would let her be in a room alone. She finds it harder to compose herself when others are around; if anything, they make her spiral.
“It helps to be alone– to not feel like people are staring at me,” said Abby.
Another Perspective
Lauren, senior, has experienced anxiety since the start of elementary school. Her anxiety revolves around her grades. Lauren scores remarkably high and succeeds in all her classes; however, she still has anxiety attacks before tests.
Despite her previous high scores, her anxiety convinces her she will fail.
Similar to Abby, Lauren’s anxiety makes her feel physically ill. Her anxiety physically presents itself as either a headache or nausea. Sometimes feelings are so intense she will throw up.
“I cry before tests. They stress me out so much. It’s so bad I have a pass to go to student services whenever needed,” Lauren said.
Lauren explained having her pass to student services has helped her a lot. Whenever she feels she is going to spiral, she excuses herself to see her counselor and takes time to talk it out and calm down.
“I have a note on my student service pass that lets someone know if they find me in the hallway with an anxiety attack, call my counselor.”
Abby isn’t as lucky to have a student service pass which is for more severe cases of anxiety.
Instead, she finds walking the halls to be helpful. It separates her from her classmates and gives her some time to cool off.
“I wander the halls sometimes or go to the bathroom for a break. It usually helps a bit to get myself moving and in a different environment. Otherwise, I just deal with it,” said Abby.
How can Leesville help?
Both Abby and Lauren agreed that they wanted less attention from their peers.
“Honestly, students could help by not looking at me,” Abby said.
She hates having eyes on her when she is anxious. She feels as if everyone is judging her.
Lauren voiced that students need to be more mindful of their words and attitudes toward their peers.
“Don’t make fun of someone just because they are struggling or having a bad day.”
Lauren recommends reaching out if you are struggling with anxiety. Reach out to a friend, a parent, a teacher, or especially a counselor. The Leesville counselors are happy to talk to you and help with anxiety. It is paramount to reach out and advocate for yourself. If you need help, reach out. You are not alone in the battle of school anxiety.
(Names changed for privacy reasons)

Hi, I’m Kira. I am a senior and I am also a tripet!
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