Students at Leesville Road High School are gearing up for the start of second semester as the holiday break comes to an end. With the new semester comes a new set of classes, new opportunities, and a renewed sense of energy.
For many students, this means adjusting to a new routine and taking on a heavier workload. With a few weeks of rest under their belts, students are ready to take on the challenges that this semester holds.
“Meeting my new teachers and learning how they teach is both exciting and stressful at the same time,” Will Coste, junior.
The beginning of the semester is also a good time to set goals and create plans to help students reach those goals. Whether it’s joining a new club, studying for a test, or taking on a new project, setting a goal and having a plan to reach that goal can help students stay motivated and focused.
Second semester also brings a variety of new classes and activities to explore. From electives to extracurricular activities, students can find something to challenge themselves and broaden their horizons.
The start of the new semester can also be a time of anxiety for some students. It’s important for students to take the time to take care of themselves and find ways to manage their stress. From exercising to writing in a journal, there are many ways to help reduce stress and find balance.
“Exercising is the best way for me to relieve stress,” Tony Taylor, senior.
No matter what the semester holds, students should be sure to take the time to celebrate the successes, no matter how small. With a bit of planning and hard work, the second semester can be a successful and rewarding experience for all students.

Hello! My name is Marco Kempinski. I am excited to be part of the LRHS newspaper for the year 2022 & 2023. I enjoy constantly expanding my knowledge and experience.
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