Stunt Team Tryouts 

Stunt team is a sport that is relatively new and derived from cheer. 

Stunt athletes compete against other schools in four quarters: partner stunts, jumps and tumbling, pyramid, and routines.

In each quarter, there are 6 different routines that teams can choose from– each quarter the teams will do 4/6 of the routines. Teams win a point by completing the routine with the fewest mistakes, and whoever has the most points at the end of the match wins. 

Stunt is more focused on skill and being clean and tight over the crowd appeal. 

There is some strategy though: Coaches can call routines that they think the other team doesn’t have or they think their team does better.

“It’s is a lot different from cheer because cheer is more focused on cheering on the football or basketball teams, whereas stunt is focused on us as athletes competing head to head,” said Clare Smawley, senior, who is planning on doing stunt for her third year.

“We have competitions in cheer, but we only have 2 or 3 each year, versus in stunt we compete against other schools each week,” said Taylor Venters, junior, who is planning on doing stunt for her second year.

Stunt athletes are able to focus on small routines, versus the entire cheer competition routine– similar to how other athletes are able to focus on one play at a time instead of the whole game. 

“I think we’re gonna be better because we are getting a lot of new girls, and we’re getting new uniforms that aren’t the old volleyball uniforms,” said Lexie Duncan, junior, who is planning on doing stunt for her second year. 

Stunt is an all-girl sport. There will be an interest meeting in the multi-purpose room on January 12 at 2:45. Tryouts will be held on February 27 and 28 from 3:00-6:00 pm. Fill out the interest form if you are thinking about participating. 


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