What Leesville Is Doing To Celebrate The Holidays 

The one way Leesville is celebrating the holidays is by having teachers decorate their classrooms. One of Leesville’s math teachers, Mrs. McGeorge has put Christmas decor around her room.

A wreath is wrapped in lights on the top of her promethean board. She also has a tiny light-up Christmas tree on her desk. 

Another way Leesville is celebrating is by giving back. Posters are around the school, encouraging students to donate to a coat drive. The Latin Club and the Latin Honors Society sponsor the coat drive.  

The clubs are teaming up with WRAI’s annual drive. Coats and other warm winter accessories can be donated to children whose families can’t afford winter items. Donations are accepted until December 14th.

Kendall Fetzer, junior, is part of the Latin Club and said they are also participating in a toy drive. “We really wanted to give back to the community so we are also doing a toy drive that is involved with WRAl as well as the coat drive. We did this a couple years ago but with COVID we couldn’t so it is great to be able to do it again and please donate/”r. 

The National English Honors Society club is writing letters for kids acting as if they were Santa. Teachers’ children write to Santa, and the club members write back acting as if Santa responded to their letter. 

The National Honor Society is writing appreciation letters to teachers. Each teacher at Leesville will receive two cards in which students will express their gratitude. Administrators and other important staff members will receive notes as well. 

The newspaper class itself is doing Secret Santa. The students pick names out of a jar and will buy a $10 gift for the name they chose. The class will distribute the gits the day before winter break. This is a fun way to have students interact outside of writing articles. 

Celebrating the holidays at school is a nice distraction from studying for exams and working to cram in assignments before break. 

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