For students in Intermediate Theater, second period is looking to be quite promising.
Intermediate Theater began for the 2022-2023 school year on January 30th, 2022. Intermediate Theater, unlike other arts classes, only runs with one group of students for the entire school year. The class is one level up from Beginning Theater.
Building off of Beginning Theater, Intermediate Theater serves as a chance to enhance and refine students’ theater skills and experiences. The class allows students to learn in a supportive learning environment and is available to those who’ve already completed Beginning Theater.
The class, taught by Matthew Hurley, plans to cover a wide variety of topics ranging from improv to studies of medieval theater, offering opportunities to learn both acting skills and theater history.
Additionally, the class requires students to participate in the LRHS spring musical. Intermediate requires each student to contribute at least ten hours of work in setting up or performing.
Furthermore, one important assignment has students watch and reflect on a play once every quarter to further their understanding of how actors apply theater skills in real productions, as well as how the lighting, props, and sounds of a play can impact the production.
Mary Gaddy, sophomore, said, “I’m really excited to learn about acting techniques and theater history… It’s my favorite part of the day.”
Outside of the strictly educational opportunities, the class provides students with a chance to work with other students who are fully interested in theater arts.
Patrick Cook, sophomore, said, “Being with a bunch of other actors who’ve gone through Beginning Theater and know what they’re doing… has helped me generally because it gives me a higher base to jump off from and get better [at theater].”
“In Intermediate Theater you got rid of all the kids…that didn’t actually have passion cooked into them from an early age… you got all the actors with the [passion], so [you] can do a lot more,” said Cook.
Intermediate Theater is certainly a class full of opportunity.

Hi, I’m Blase. I like playing video games and running in my free time, and I have two cats.
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