Leesville’s 2023-2024 student council election results came out on Tuesday, April 18. Although many students take part in voting, a lot of them don’t actually know what it is that they’re contributing towards.
A Student Council is a group of elected and volunteer students working together to provide a means for student expression and assistance in school programs and activities. They do this through planning events, volunteering, and through small acts of kindness to show appreciation for students and staff.
Emily Mauro, next year’s junior class council president, said, “I think it’s important because the more people, the more ideas. If you want your school to be better than you should take your own charge at it.”
The main objective of student councils is to initiate, implement, and complete projects and activities which will be of help to the school, the students, the faculty, and the administration.
Ashelynn Justice, next year’s sophomore class V.P., said, “It’s a great way to become part of your school and do the things you want to do with your school. You make a lot of friends through it.”
The council works as a student body to ensure that the voices of students are heard and taken into consideration when making important decisions about the school.
“It’s really healthy competition because we all just want to contribute and give back to the school so obviously there’s competition (between candidates) but it’s really a supportive environment,” said Ashton Layh, next year’s executive class council president.
Joining student council means supporting your school as well as everyone else affected by school decisions. It’s a way to get involved, boost college applications, and make a difference for younger generations of Leesville.

Hi! I’m Yasmeen and I’m so excited and grateful that I am able to contribute to the Mycenaean:) I love being able to bring news and relevant information to help you be more aware of things that happen at Leesville!!
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