The Ensemble Theater and Tech Crew classes are currently working on putting together The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged) [revised] [again] to be performed on May 24-25 in the black box theater.
The Ensemble, or Advanced — also known as Mainstage — Theater class is the highest level of acting theater here at Leesville. Students in the class take it for the entire year, and work with the Tech Crew, or Proficient Technical Theater class, to put together a play during their second semester. Tech Crew is the highest level of technical theater, and, like Advanced Theater, students take it for the whole year.
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged) [revised] [again], as described on Leesville’s BookTix page, “features all 37 of Shakespeare’s plays, [which are] meant to be performed in 97 minutes, by three actors. Fast paced, witty, and physical, it’s full of laughter for Shakespeare lovers and haters alike.”
The show comes with a rating of PG-13, with a tagline stating that “Some jokes may be inappropriate for younger audiences.” The BookTix page also notes that “If you sit in the front row, you may become part of the production!”
As of now, the students in the Ensemble Theater and Tech Crew classes are working together to produce the show.
Ensemble Theater student Adele Baldina, senior, said, “[Ensemble Theater has] been running certain scenes… and fixing up different parts [of the play] every day…”
“We started pretty early… second semester, I want to say. We got the script handed out once we found out what the show was, and then we started just reading through it… assigning parts… [doing stage movements]… we’ve been working on it for quite a while,” Baldina said.
Tech Crew student Ember Boswell, senior, said about the technical aspects of the play that “Mr Hurley… and Ms Wrayno [are] not designing [anything technical in the play]. It’s entirely [designed by]… [a] few people in Tech Crew.”
“The designers have been designing since before The Sound Of Music… they have a lot of work cut out for them,” Boswell said.
In addition to designing the play, students in the Tech Crew class have also been having workdays after school where students come and work on the play in groups, or crews, each centered around creating a different technical aspect of the performance.
Students will put on the play twice, once on May 24 at 4PM and once on May 25 at 7PM. People can check for and buy tickets for these dates at Student tickets are $10, and general admission tickets are $15

Hi, I’m Blase. I like playing video games and running in my free time, and I have two cats.
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