Leesviles 2023-2024 Students Section Leaders

Leesville’s first football game of the season was held on Friday, August 18, 2023. Not only was this the first game of the season, but it was also the first game with the 2023-2024 student section leaders.  

This year’s Loonies leaders include seniors Cooper Epps, Adam Saib, Brady Spinak, Haley Lamme, Katie Stewart, and Kiera Kaprelian. 

The Loonies are chosen by previous Loonies, who pick one male and one female leader. Those leaders then nominate two other male and female leaders, resulting in six new leaders. 

Student section leaders are responsible for maintaining the student section in order and making sure students get hyped supporting our sports team during games. 

They lead the student section in cheers, freshman sacrifice, distributing baby powder, and halftime story time. 

Loonies prepare for games by hanging signs and posters in front of the student section. They also use TikTok to encourage students to attend the games and support the football team. An Instagram account is also run by the Loonies, and it informs students about upcoming football games and themes. 

Adam Saib, student section leader, is so far enjoying his role. “I love it [being a Loonie Leader]: it’s one of my favorite things ever, especially as a senior. It’s a leadership position, shows my school spirit, and it’s just a lot of fun,” said Saib. 

Cooper Epps encourages students to attend the football games. “Everyone should come to the games, get hype, get loud, and support their football team,” said Epps. 

The student section leaders have an important role at football games. Our football team feels more appreciated and supported with energy from the student section unrun by the leaders. 

To get more information revolving around the Loonies and student section, you can check out @leesvilleloonies  on Instagram. 


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