Leesville´s Instagram Account

Leesville Road High School made an official instagram account — ¨leesvilleroadhs.¨

The account’s first post is from August 19, 2023 in order to inform followers of senior events. Since then, the account has acknowledged the first home football game and first day back to school. 

Ms. Price, a new-to-LRHS assistant principal, is responsible for running Leesville´s website and social media, including the addition of the Instagram account.

Ms. Jacobs, the new principal, collaborated with Ms. Price and Ms. Worthey, an intern administrator, in order to create the account. 

The account´s goal is to connect the school to different parts of the community through informing and entertaining. 

¨Our goal is to stay connected to our students, communities and families, so that they can see all the things that are going on in school,¨ said Price. 

Instagram is a youth-oriented social media platform. By creating an official Instagram account, the school hopes to connect to more of their students through highlights of the school. 

So far the account has been successful and full of growth. 

¨We already have over 300 followers within the last week, so I think that the word is getting out. We have been tagging other accounts that are connected to the account, so I think that has helped,¨ said Price. 

Leesville High is proud to announce their newly founded Instagram account. They hope to continue to grow this platform, as they try to interact with the community. 

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