The LRHS Literary Magazine, a club led by Ms. White, is a group where students submit their work, such as original poetry, long and short stories, prose, and artwork to get published on their website here at Leesville.
“The purpose of a school literary magazine is to provide a creative outlet for students to showcase their talents in writing and art, thus, a student-publication.” Ms. White said, via email.
“Leesville Road High School had not had a literary magazine in several years when I started here in 2014…” said White.“It took me two years to get students interested in running a literary magazine as a club”
Ms. White wanted there to be a creative writing club so students could be creative, write stories, and submit art.
“I began with a creative writing club; in the 2016-2017 school year, we published LRHS’s first online literary magazine. Check us out! We’re linked under the LRHS website activities page between dance and newspaper.”
The first meeting of Literary Magazine took place on September 14 in room 231 of the main building after school from 2:30pm to 3:15pm. The club is a great way for students to use their creativity and to be inspired. Information will be on the morning announcements so stay tuned for them.

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