Homecoming Dance of 2023

Leesville’s 2023 Homecoming Dance was held on Friday, October 13. This is the first time any dance has been held at Leesville since 2017. 

The executive council pushed to bring back the homecoming dance this year, but it had been canceled in years past due to low turnout. But Leesville students came together to vote it back for this year. A whopping 800 students purchased dance tickets and most were able to attend the dance as well as the football game.

Since so many students showed up, it caused a little bit of a hold-up with the checking-in process. The line was through the restricted gym hallway and down the sidewalk in front of the school. Many students were unaware that identification was needed to get into the dance, so they had to be looked up in the student ticket list. This took more time than expected causing the line to move slowly. Students were getting impatient in line so for the next dance additional faculty could be used to help check-in.

The dance was held in the auxiliary gym and food and drinks were provided in the hallway outside of the gym. A burger meal had to be ordered ahead of time, but snacks were there for everyone.

Kevin Dang, sophomore, said, “It wasn’t what I was expecting. I thought it was going to be corny and cringe but it turned out to be a lot of fun and everyone was actually dancing.’’ 

Students knew most of the lyrics and were able to sing along. A  few of the songs even had a dance that went along with them such as “Crank That” by Soulja Boy, “The Wobble”, and even “The Cha-Cha Slide”. Some of the other favorites of the night included Lucid Dreams, SkeeYee, Driver’s License, and Deli.

I think it is safe to say that the 2023 Homecoming Dance was a pretty big hit. 

Madison Watson, freshman, said, “I hope that there is a homecoming dance next year and my friends, and I would be open to a Winterfest dance as well.” 

The successful Homecoming Dance will help push towards a possible Winterfest Dance. This will give Leesville students something to look forward to in the upcoming months or until next year.


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