Throughout the years at Leesville, Young Life has been a big part of the student community and it’s a fun way to get to meet new people.
Tyler Carlson, senior, said, “Young Life is a place where I go to have fun and meet lots of new friends.”
This extracurricular group has 2 “leaders” of each gender who will check in separately and talk just generally about how a kid is doing.
Leesville Young Life has campaigners every week on Thursdays at 7 o’clock. Campaigners is a bible study divided up into gender groups, so you get more time to go into detail and depth about bible verses.
Some students also say it’s a good way to learn and form a bond with God as well.
“I go to Young Life to learn and share more about Jesus and my beliefs in God and I learn lots about the scriptures and all other people’s life stories that we talk about,“ said Carlson.
As of right now, Leesville Young Life is not a club or affiliated with Leesville itself. Currently the leaders are trying to make it a club at the school, so if people don’t have rides to events they can come right after school to the club.
The best part of this is that any student, no matter what is welcome and accepted and can be a member, right now this organization consists of around 35-50 students. Many of the students have been a part of it since freshman year.
“I have been attending this club along with a few other students since freshman year,” said Carlson.

I am a junior and I play lacrosse at Leesville. One of my hobbies is wakeboarding and I am excited to be a part of LRHS newspaper!
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