Seniors signed up to meet up with their counselors during the school week to see if they are caught up with graduation and college and what else they may need to do to get ready for it.
Most seniors have plans on going to college with a specific major depending on what they want to do. That may not be the path that all seniors want to take; however, this isn’t the case for all students.
Walker Anderson, senior, plans for college. “I’m not getting my hopes up but maybe Appalachian State with a history major,” texted Walker Anderson, senior. “Maybe I could go for teaching.”
Other seniors choose to head down the same path as Anderson.
Liam Altman, who is also a senior, said, “I did plan, or I’m currently planning” via text.
“I want to go to college for psychology and hopefully become a psychologist, and more specifically a trauma therapist,” said Altman via text.
“I want to help people who are going through things they shouldn’t have to,” said, Altman via text.
Planning about life after high school can be scary and maybe even stressful at times. However, it is essential and beneficial, so you can have a career path to go down and know what students want to do in the near future.

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