The symphonic band at Leesville Road High school placed first in every category and won Grand Champion at the Western Alamance Band Competition.
The Symphonic Band is Leesvilles premier audition-only band where students learn advanced techniques and musical concepts.
At the Western Alamance competition, the LRHS symphonic band was the last band to perform and played some of their best music like “Americans Salute” and many more.
“It was the last performance of the day, so we got to perform our show ‘Americans Salute’ and overall we made some great music,” said Luke Lesher, senior.
“This competition was for the symphonic marching band, and we have a lot of categories like drum major, best drum major, the music performer, musical effect and that’s all I can think of but we won every single one,” said Lesher.
“Since we had been preparing well, we knew we were going to do well,” said Lesher.
While performing, a major problem that some of the band members faced was the sun in their eyes.
“During the competition I probably as well as others could not see the drum major due to the glaring sun in our eyes, but it was a lot of fun, and we got first place,” said Lesher.

I am a junior and I play lacrosse at Leesville. One of my hobbies is wakeboarding and I am excited to be a part of LRHS newspaper!
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