Teacher Spotlight: Señor Florence

Mr. Florence, or Señor Florence as his students call him, teaches Spanish I and II at Leesville and does his best to help the students feel comfortable and have a good time learning Spanish.

Sr. Florence said, “When I first got my job, [too] my manager, I said ‘I’m gonna be a psychologist’ and he said, ‘nah you gonna be a teacher’ I was like dude I don’t even know you what are you talking about and here I am, I don’t know how many years later, teaching classes so, I like it”

After a long and fun career of teaching, Sr. Florence said, “I’ve been teaching for a long time. I don’t keep track because I love it so much.”

His students find the class fun and full of energy, Zakery Beard, junior, said, “I think he’s very bright, and very vibrant. You know, he’s always making jokes that’s really funny, and he’s always like picking on people, but it’s in a really funny way and helps me learn.”

Adelyn Ashley, sophomore, said, “He’s crazy, like straight up crazy. Like all over the place, energetic.” 

Sr. Florence keeps the class engaged with games and activities, like trials for students who made mistakes.

However, these trials help the students to learn how to do the right thing in a fun way.

Sr. Florence also said, “I really like showing kids how to connect with each other, and I enjoy connecting with them too, so that, you know, outside of my classroom they still want to talk to me a little bit.”

During the interview, Sr. Florence also talked about studying abroad and the benefits it can have on your outlook.

Sr. Florence also said, “Everyone should take the time to experience something outside themselves…you don’t truly know who you are until you are in a different — completely different situation with completely different people…make sure you go somewhere, go many places outside of your home.”

Sr. Florence wants the best for all of his students and he will continue teaching and impacting student’s lives.

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