How Did Students Unwind Over The Long Weekend

The Wake County School System had February 19 off in recognition of Presidents Day, and  February 20 was a teacher work day. It was a four-day weekend for students.

This long weekend comes after three five-day weeks in a row. During these weeks, LRHS students began a new semester which meant adapting to new teachers, managing different workloads, and meeting new people.

Although some students liked the change of pace that the new semester brought, some students found the transition exhausting.

Grace Stauffeneker, Sophomore, said “The days off were a good mental break…because after a while of the same schedule every day, it gets really tiring and draining. Sometimes you just need a long weekend to get back into it.”

Stauffeneker used the weekend to unwind, catch up on sleep, and hang out with friends.

Other students took advantage of the extra days off and traveled. According to an Instagram poll, twenty-five percent of LRHS students went out of town.

One of those students, Julianna Richert, freshman, and her family went to Disney World in Florida.  “My favorite part [of the trip] was seeing my grandparents and cousins who live in Florida. We don’t get to see them as often. I’m glad we had the break. It was nice to relax with my family.”

Whether students traveled or stayed home to unwind– the break was much needed by LRHS students.

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