Ms. Jeannine Wrayno is the beloved Technical Theater teacher here at Leesville. She joined the Leesville community in 2003 and has been sharing her love for performing arts with the students ever since.
She teaches Beginning and Intermediate Technical Theater, and Tech Crew.
She is also the Technical Director for every production put on at Leesville. She oversees Lights, Paint, Props, Set Construction, Sound, and House Crews. She also uses her expertise to help with middle school productions and other school events requiring sound support.
Wrayno grew up with a passion for theater — Wrayno said, “Some of my earliest snippets of memory are going to see a play about the Wright Brothers in elementary school or my parents taking me to see a production of Annie.”
Throughout her childhood, her parents continued taking her to productions at Memorial Auditorium, and she was an active participant in the Duke University Talent Identification Program.
She attended Elon University on scholarship. Where she graduated with a degree in History with Teacher Licensure and a Theatre Arts certification.
When asked why she pursued a teaching career Wrayno said, “I had some teachers in high school who made a major difference when I was really struggling in my life and I’m kind of paying forward what they invested in me.”
One of those teachers was Julie Florin –her high school theater teacher– whom she credits for nurturing her love for theater and making her into the kind of teacher she is today.
Outside of Leesville, Wrayno enjoys spending time with her family, reading, and watching movies her students recommend.
Wrayno extends her love for family to her students. She values the relationships she fosters with them and offers a place of acceptance and belonging in her classroom.
She often refers to the Tech Theater community as ohana which means “family” in Hawaiian. Wrayno makes it a point to teach her students that even though they are not related by blood they are related by common goals and passions, and it’s their job to make sure no person is left behind.

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