When thinking about Leesville’s men’s tennis team, a few specific faces come to mind, but not like the one of Cameron Lange.
Countless hours have been put into Lange’s tennis craft, even dabbling in other sports like track and cross country during the tennis season.
“He’s an influence to me and the entire team. Everyone looks up to how he plays, and the hard work he puts in on and off the court. Cameron puts in a lot of work and it makes the whole team better,” said Kyle Lange, sophomore.
Lange has been on fire this season winning his first match and then his third through ninth match. Lange is a crucial part to the men’s tennis team’s success.
“I started playing tennis when I was seven years old. I was okay then, but I was just playing at that time. I played on a team when I was eight up till I was 12. We went crazy and won 3 state championships. We had people like Graham Clark, Kyle Lange, Max Brown, and Jackson Peters. While that team was just for fun we were crazy good,” said Lange, junior.
Lange’s hard work on the tennis court is also reciprocated in the classroom. Lange works extremely hard in all of his classes to maintain his grades.
Cameron Lange is on a hot streak right now in his tennis career. His hard work has been paying off in his most recent matches. The tennis teams next match is this Friday (4-5-2024) against Grimsley.

I am a cross country captain. I have a mini goldendoodle named Captain. I like traveling
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