Mrs. Barrow is one of Leesville Road High School’s few teachers left that has only taught here at Leesville for her whole career.
Barrow is extremely passionate about her job and what she does. Barrow is one of the few people that will stop whatever she is doing and help you with whatever class you need help with.
Before teaching
Mrs. Barrow attended the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill while studying math and English. While at UNC Barrow got her degree in Masters of Arts and teaching and a bachelors in mathematics and english.
Barrow started her teaching career at Leesville Road High School 4 months before graduating UNC.
“I graded paper for the math department at UNC, I tutored a middle schooler, and I worked at dry cleaners in the Whole Foods shopping center,” said Mrs. Barrow.
Teaching at Leesville Road High School
Many people may not be a fan of math but Mrs. Barrow is a reason to like it. Barrow makes all of her students feel welcome getting to know pretty much all of them very fast whether its saying “Hi” in the hallway or talking with her after class.
Soon after finishing her degree at University of North Carolina she got a job at Leesville Road High School where she has been ever since.
While watching Mrs.Barrow’s class, it is clear that she loves what she does. Teaching Pre- Calculus is not an easy job, making it fun however is something only the best of teachers can do.
“Whenever we have a bad quiz, I used to think it was my fault, but I finally realized that it may just be that a student hasn’t had enough time to grasp the concept of what we are doing,” said Barrow.
Students and Teachers
Barrow helps all of her students no matter what, even if she doesn’t teach them she will still stop whatever she is doing to help any student whether it be math or any other subject.
“Mrs. Barrow is a great teacher that is understanding to her students and is constantly trying to accommodate them for their benefit. She is funny and makes class entertaining which is a great change for how dull other classes may seem,” said Keanu Tran, junior.
While in class many kids are seen with smiles on their faces as she cracks jokes and makes witty comments.
It is no secret that Mrs. Barrow loves what she does and is good at doing it. With a teaching career of 15 years, Barrows’ experience brings tremendous value to the classroom and students she teaches.
“My first year teaching, I ended up on Mrs.Tibbets’ floor, because it wasn’t the way I thought it would be at the beginning, and I was just overwhelmed. You learn to overplan. If we do 2 activities in class, I usually have 5 planned for my students,” said Barrow.
Mrs. Barrow is not only loved by her students but also by her colleagues.
”She’s always willing to drop everything she’s doing to help a colleague or student. She works hard to make sure the student understands the concept and not just memorizing… she’s always willing to work,” said Mrs. Yost.
Mrs. Barrow’s dedication to teaching and her students, combined with her passion for math, has made her a beloved figure at Leesville Road High School over her 15-year career. She exemplifies the transformative impact of dedicated educators, earning admiration from students and colleagues alike for her unwavering support and commitment to student success.

I am a cross country captain. I have a mini goldendoodle named Captain. I like traveling
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