Seniors at Leesville are provided with the chance to apply to a monthly scholarship bulletin, offering them access to various scholarship opportunities. This month, new, Leesville- specific, scholarships open up for students. (Photo courtesy of Public Domain)
The Class of 2024 now has access to a range of scholarships assisting with their college or higher education expenses.
Many of these scholarships are administered directly through the school, with a scholarship committee overseeing the selection process.
Here are some of the opportunities available:
- The Richard Murphy Scholarship:
This scholarship considers significant school involvement and the overall impact a student has had on LRHS. Recipients of the Murphy Scholars Award will receive a $2,500 scholarship towards their college education.
Interested seniors should visit the Murphy Scholarship Site for the application, the application deadline is May 6th, and a follow up interview if selected as a finalist will be announced in the weeks to follow.
- The “Think like Dink” Scholarship (exclusive for LRHS athletes):
Requirements include participation or involvement in a Varsity Sport at Leesville, maintaining a minimum 3.0 GPA, having a good discipline and attendance record, and planning to pursue higher education after graduation.
The application deadline is also May 6.
- The Pride Athletic Club Scholarship (exclusive for LRHS athletes):
Criteria includes participation in a varsity sport during senior year, maintaining a minimum 2.0 GPA, exemplary discipline and attendance records, and planning to attend higher education.
The application deadline is May 6.
Other available scholarships include:
- Alpha Delta Kappa-The Arts Make a Difference Scholarship
The minimum requirements for this opportunity are: graduating from a WCPSS high school, acceptance to a 2 year college or a 4 year College or University with plans to earn a bachelor’s degree in the visual or performing arts, and a 3.25 GPA.
All application materials must be received by May 1, 2024. If you have questions, please send an email to Pam Hinson at
Application Link:
- Alpha Delta Kappa Future Educator Scholarship
The requirements for this scholarship includes: graduating from an accredited high school in Wake County, acceptance to a 4 Year college or university, planning to pursue a degree in the field of education and a 4.0 GPA (Weighted or unweighted)
All application materials must be received by May 1, 2024. If you have questions, please send an email to Pam Hinson at
Application Link:
While these are just some of this monthś scholarships, these scholarships provide support and aid for students’ future education. Seniors are strongly encouraged to apply and take advantage of these opportunities.
For more information, please contact Mr. Greene at

Hi! My name is Elena Faddoul, and I am a senior editor at The Mycenaean. In my free time, I like to read and spend time with family and friends.
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