Parent reflections are a crucial part of Senior Print.
As such, we are proud to recognize and feature the following parent reflections for the Class of 2024:
Jorge Faddoul- Reflects on daughter, Elena Faddoul, Senior Editor at The Mycenaean.
To: Elena
With Love: Mom & Dad

Dear Ele,
I don’t think you can measure the pride that as your parents, we feel at this moment. Perhaps, one day, when you are older, and life puts you in a similar situation, you will be able to understand the true meaning of these words. Being parents is the most wonderful and shocking experience that a human being can undertake in their life. Your mother and I have always loved you, long before we even knew that you existed, and now seeing you with your projects and plans, being a responsible and independent woman, we love you even more.
From being unable to speak and struggling as an ESL student, to becoming an advocate and leader for those who were once in the same position you were, watching you grow has been the best part of our lives. We’ve watched you take on so many challenges and opportunities, and it’s safe to say that during your time at Leesville you have become an inspiration to many, including us. The way you carry yourself and balance so many responsibilities makes us prouder than you could ever imagine.
We wish you a lot of luck in your future at NCSU, knowing in advance that you will not need it, because you are a completely consistent, logical, and mature woman, and we know that wherever you are; you will always make a difference, because it is impossible to ignore the committed way in which you always assume your studies and obligations in life.
Finally, we just want to tell you that you don’t need to be afraid, we’re sure you’re ready for this, otherwise, you wouldn’t be where you are in life.
Your happiness and well-being is our priority, no matter what happens. With us, you will forever have arms that will be longing for your embrace: a small space of the universe where you can always feel supported.
All the best,
Your parents who love you and will always love you more than life itself.
James, Dia, and Becca McGaughey- Reflect on Sami McGaughey

Dear Sami,
There is so much to say as you prepare to write the next chapter in your life’s story. How can we
possibly fit this into a half-page when you deserve a novel? Well, we will give it the “good ole college try” as they say. Sami, you will be graduating from Leesville Rd High School very soon and attending Western Carolina University in the fall. Every parent knows the day will eventually come when their sons and/or daughters graduate high school and move to the next phase in their lives. We cannot possibly have both daughters graduate high school. Are we really this old? Empty nesters? Was it just yesterday when you were making videos on mom’s iPod with your My Little Ponies? Was it just yesterday when losing your favorite “stuffy animal” at the Denver Aquarium was the end of the world? Was it just yesterday when our family was huddled on the couch watching Disney movies and eating popcorn? It sure feels like it. Where did the time go? I never thought I would say this but we will miss your messy room. We will miss seeing your car parked in the front. We know you will be back to visit from WCU for breaks, holidays, and when you need clothes washed, but most importantly, we will miss you.
From Dad – I am so very proud of you. When you were first born, I knew you would go on to do great things. You started out a fighter and that characteristic has followed you, built and shaped you, and will continue to positively contribute to every challenge you face. It has made you strong and ready for the future. Your passion is contagious. Never lose that as it is your fuel for success. As soon as we found out you would be attending my alma mater at WCU, I was overwhelmed with pride and happiness. I can’t wait to visit and watch football games at EJ Whitmire Stadium. Go Catamounts! Much love to you – Dad
From Mom – Sami’s graduation is a day I have envisioned for years. On the first day of each school year that represented a milestone, I cried. On your first day of kindergarten, I think I may have sobbed. And with every milestone that came throughout elementary school, middle school, and high school, there remained a lump in my throat. Whether I understood it or not, I have always anticipated graduation day. Funny thing, my amazing daughter, I think I cried more on your first day of senior year than any time before. I watched you walk away towards your car and then drive off to your last first day of high school, a million memories flooded my mind. The day you were born. Your first favorite stuffed animal. Your first time skating with me. You were so small. But on your first day of senior year, you were no longer the child I used to snuggle tight with promises that everything would be alright. Senior year, you entered your school no longer a little girl, but a young lady. I cried. I am beyond proud of the young lady you have become. You are smart, beautiful, quirky, and compassionate towards others. When there is a need, you are there. The countdown has begun. And now, your graduation day will shortly be upon us. Your mom’s tears are complicated, baby girl. Those tears you see on monumental days aren’t so much sorrow as they are excitement, anticipation, and the purest love any human can ever know. I Love you, Sami.
Love, Mom
From Becca – As a previous graduate of Leesville, I know how difficult life at the Pride can be. However, I continually admire how easy you make it seem. How much your friends love you, how passionate you are about the things you care the most about, how you make me laugh, and I could go on and on. The bottom line is you are incredible and I am proud to be your sister. From where I sit, the world is your oyster and I cannot wait to see what waits next for you. Congratulations and Love ya!
With much love,
Dad, Mom, and Becca

Hi! My name is Elena Faddoul, and I am a senior editor at The Mycenaean. In my free time, I like to read and spend time with family and friends.
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