Leesville New Club Applications 


Clubs at Leesville play a vital role by fostering community, enhancing leadership skills, and providing opportunities for personal growth and collaboration beyond the classroom. The Leesville staff and administration are dedicated to supporting students’ interests and nurturing them into thriving, dynamic clubs.

New club applications are now open at Leesville High School.

In order to adopt a new, unique club associated with Leesville’s student body, interested applicants must follow the “New Club Request.

Students must specify what category (service, honor, or special interest) their desired club falls under before proceeding with the remaining requirements. 

After choosing the specified category, students must find a teacher advisor who would be interested in overseeing the club. 

Students need peers who are interested in their club and gather 20 genuinely interested future participants to sign the ¨club affiliation¨ form.

The founder of the potential club must also create bylaws and a constitution to include the organization’s purpose and goal. 

The bylaws include the name, purpose, and authority of the club. As well as membership, meeting requirements, and club officer elections/duties.

Once students have completed their application process, they must turn in their forms to the front office for Mr. Vaughan or email him at bvaughan@wcpss.net. All application submissions are due October 31, 2024, the last day of the quarter. 

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