With the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year kicking off, Ms. Jacobs is starting strong by getting together to refresh our memories with old rules and making us aware of new ones.
“I feel safe going into my first year here,” said Henry Hogg, freshman.
Ms. Jacobs does these “Principal Chats” to keep students safe and to educate students in a clear way on the consequences of their actions so they cannot say that they were not aware that what they were doing is punishable. She discussed skipping, fighting, cell phone usage, and more.
Julia Gipson, senior, said, “My biggest takeaway was the staff just want what’s best for us and even though a few things they’re doing some students don’t agree with, in the end, it’ll contribute to the success of everyone this year.”
Part of Jacob’s review is based on how our school performs and how she runs Leesville. Nominated by her peers in the county, being a finalist for principal of the year for WCPSS is proof of how much Ms. Jacobs cares about her students, staff, and Leesville as a whole.
“I’m excited to continue to build my relationship with students because last year I didn’t know any kids and tried hard to introduce myself and now this year I can pick up where I left off,” said Jacobs.

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