Governor’s School applications are now open for students to start applying.
Governor’s School is a month-long program that teaches students what college is like. The school is residential on a college campus. The students get to stay there for the full four weeks, even on weekends.
They offer many academic courses like English, Spanish, Math, and Sciences. They also offer multiple arts such as Chorus, Visual Art, Dance, Theater, and Instrumental Music.
Mr. Greene, Dean of Students, said, “If you want to apply you have to have a passion about a particular subject. First, you have to be really interested in something, like the arts or whatever academic you want to be in. You have to really love it.”
The NC Governor’s School does not operate like a normal school. There are no tests, grades, or credits. They focus on having open discussions and environments rather than full instructional time.
While being extremely academically beneficial, the school allows students to have free time to socialize with their peers through planned activities and unprompted interactions.
Greene said, “If you really want a taste of what college is gonna be like, it will be beneficial. Students who have attended governor’s school in the past have made some strong connections with students across the state and have stayed friends with them. It is a great way to get a college-like experience and explore the area of work that you are interested in.”
Applications and recommendation forms for the summer 2025 program are already out for students to start applying. Students can email Mr. Greene ( and there will also be an interest meeting next week where you can get more information.
“It’s a competitive process. You have to write amazing essays while being able to commit to being on a college campus for four weeks because you don’t get to go home at all for those weeks,” said Greene.
Governor’s School helps students grow and thrive within their chosen field and prepare for future experiences. Students who want to build their expertise with their passions should consider applying.

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